His Time

His Time

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything good and beautiful in its time.

The timing of God is frequently beyond our comprehension in the moment. We think something should happen now, when God knows it would be better for us in the future. We often think that now is the only time a certain action can happen, but God knows it would be better for us in the future. We often think that now is the only time a certain action can happen, but God knows we are not ready for it.

What will we do when we find ourselves in this situation? Will we worry ourselves to death or stress over how to "make it happen?" There are three things we can do.

First thing we can do is wait patiently. Patience in the circumstances of life is closely tied to faith. It is because we have faith that we can be patient. It is because we believe in the goodness and wisdom of God that we can rest in the timing of God. Are you having a hard time trusting the timing of God? Then remind yourself of the truth of this verse: God will make everything good-fair, beautiful, and pleasing in every way-at just the right moment in your life.

Secondly, we can work purposefully. Just because you may feel "stuck" or limited does not mean you should not work the roles and responsibilities that God has given you. Where you are right now is certainly in God's control, and most definitely in Gods care. Lastly, we can walk prayerfully. Perhaps the timing is not right because you are not right...have you ever considered that? Sometimes even good things are wrong at the wrong time. And perhaps that thing you desire or want or "feel" you should have is something God wants to give you...but your relationship with Him would be harmed through the giving of it.

How is your walk with God? Remember, read the word, pray and search His will.




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