Energy Giver-Sharing Gods Endless Love With Others

Energy Giver-Sharing Gods Endless Love With Others

An energy-giver is someone who loves God with all of his heart and therefore turns to love his neighbor as he loves himself. As he focuses on loving and serving God, he invests his life in meeting the needs of those around him, freely giving of himself, his time, his talents, and his resources to make others successful, cared for, and appreciated. His heart is so full of the grace and love of God that he can’t help but share God’s love with others.

Practical Evidences of an Energy-Giver

You can see an energy-giver going out of his way to invest in the lives of others through acts of kindness and generosity. Such an individual’s actions set him apart from the crowd.

  • He seeks after God’s face by spending time in Bible study and prayer, and he shares the insights he finds with others.
  • He offers a ready smile and has a rebounding source of enthusiasm.
  • Always looking for ways to serve those around him, he puts his heart into the tasks at hand and is diligent in simple and complex tasks.
  • He does more than is required of him.
  • He looks for the good in others and is quick to praise what he sees.
  • He remembers those who have invested in his life and he is grateful for them.
  • He enjoys good humor, but he turns away from foolishness that hurts and harms others.
  • He lives frugally so that he can give to others.
  • He is quick to forgive his offenders and offer restoration.
  • He seeks for the truth and applies it to his life; he is obedient to God’s words.
  • He prays for others.

How to Become an Energy-Giver

Acknowledge your need for God’s energy.

Without the gift of God’s grace, which is the desire and power that God gives to accomplish His will, you cannot give to others for long. You must see your need for God’s help and His willingness to give you aid.

God desires that you love others (see John 15:12), and He has promised that if you abide in Him, He will supply your needs (see John 15:4–5). He will work in and through your yielded life to minister to others. For it is God who worketh in you, both to will and to accomplish, according to his good will. (Philippians 2:13).

The limitless source of God’s love and grace will enable you to focus your heart on Christ and cheerfully invest your life in meeting the needs of others. Through the continual grace and strength that God gives, you can faithfully live as an energy-giver.

Recognize and reject self-effort.

Living your life as an energy-giver is not something that you can do on your own. If you’ve tried to serve others for any period of time, you know that it isn’t easy to do! Attempting to live as an energy-giver in your own strength will soon leave your resources of love, joy, and service depleted.

However, as you accept God’s unending resources and abide in Him as your life, you can share His love with others again and again. Christ promises that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He will provide all that you need to share with others! It is important to turn to Christ and receive the grace to live the way He wants you to live.

Dedicate your body to God as a living sacrifice.

God desires to pour His love and goodness out to others through our hearts and lives. This becomes possible when we yield ourselves to Him and allow Him to use our skills, resources, words, talents, and actions to accomplish His purposes.

I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be transformed in the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1–2).

Be committed to doing God’s will.

The principles expressed in God’s Word can give you wisdom for making decisions throughout life. Studying the Scriptures will reveal what God’s heart values and give you direction in making right choices. As you dedicate your life to God and seek to live as an energy-giver, base your decisions on the concepts God communicates through the Bible. He will give you insight into effectively meeting the needs of others.

Study Scripture verses about endurance.

God wants you to endure difficulties and come through them with success, which will bring joy to you, an example to others, and glory to God. By memorizing Bible verses about endurance, you can strengthen your heart in the midst of difficulties. God’s strength is never-failing; you can be an energy-giver even in difficult times.

  • If thou lose hope being weary in the day of distress, thy strength shall be diminished. (Proverbs 24:10).
  • And in doing good, let us not fail. For in due time we shall reap, if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9).
  • Let not thy heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long: Because thou shalt have hope in the latter end, and thy expectation shall not be taken away. (Proverbs 23:17–18).
  • If thou hast wearied with running with footmen, how canst thou contend with horses? (Jeremiah 12:5).

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