A Season of New Beginnings

And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true. Revelation 21:5
Springtime is a wonderful season of the year. The earth seems to thaw out from its wintry sleep of death and come back to life again. The ice and snow melt away, and with them their frigid grip on all things living. The lifeless, bare limbs of trees begin to bud and produce leaves. Brown, dry grass slowly begins to turn green again. Birds start singing again. The sun appears to be brighter and warmer, the sky is bluer, and the breeze is warm and comforting to the soul, rather than cold and chilling to the bones.
Springtime is a season of new beginnings. It is a time of refreshing and reviving in the earth. As the children of God, our lives should always be lived in the “Springtime,” spiritually speaking. Our often-cold hearts should daily be “thawed out” and brought back to life in our walk with God and our devotional lives again. Our witness for Christ should be made bold and powerful again, to ensure that we're bearing the fruit of souls brought to Christ, rather than displaying nothing but dead, lifeless, fruitless limbs. We need to get our song back, not the world's song that draws us away from Christ, but “psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs,” those that make melody in our hearts (and turn our hearts unto the Lord, as we're reminded in Ephesians 5:19.
We need a revival of Springtime in our hearts, so that the Son shines brighter to others through us. Our good God has promised us that He will make all things new, and that, includes our walk, our worship, our service, our testimony, and our fellowship with Him.